
Katharina Wiedlack and Iain Zabolotny (2023). The Backlash against Feminist Body Positive Activism in Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan: a Transnational post-Soviet Trend? In: Judith Goetz & Stefanie Mayer (eds.) Global Perspectives on Anti-Femnism: Far-Right and Religious Attacks on Equality and Diversity. Edinburgh University Press, p. 71-94.


Katharina Wiedlack and Masha Godovannaya (2023). “Queer and Russian Art?”: A Conversation between Katharina Wiedlack and Masha Godovannaya. In: Brian James Baer & Yevgeniy Fiks (eds.) Queer(ing) Russian Art: Realism, Revolution, Performance. Academic Studies Press.


Katharina Wiedlack, Iain Zabolotny (2023). Race, whiteness, Russianness and the discourses on the 'Black Lives Matter' movement and Manizha. In: Andreassen, R., Lundström, C., Keskinen, S. & Tate, S. A. (eds.).  The Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies (1 ed.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis, p. 251-264.


Katharina Wiedlack (2023) In/Visibility and the (post-soviet) ‘queer closet’. In: Journal of Gender Studies. 24.05.2023. DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2023.2214886


Ruthia Jenrbekova, Galina Rymbu (2023) A conversation that can happen at any moment (with you as well). In: Syg.ma. 05.05.2023 https://syg.ma/@sygma/a-conversation-that-can-happen-at-any-moment-with-you-as-well


Katharina Wiedlack, Masha Godovannaya, Ruthia Jenrbekova and Iain Zabolotny (2023) “The Magic Closet and the Dream Machine”: Post-Soviet Queer Knowledge Production in Times of increased Trans- and Homophobia. In: Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists. 27.01.2023 <www.connections.clio-online.net/article/id/fda-133562>.


Tania Zabolotnaya, Katharina Wiedlack (2022) Recognition or Othering? Trans* Representation in Russian Media. Mapping LGBTIQ Spaces and Places. Marianne Bildon, Stanley D. Brunn (eds.). Springer. p. 481-497. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-03792-4 


SvetLana Peshkova, Ruthia Jenrbeckova, Maria Vilkovisky (2022) Prevrashenie (Transformation) of Bacha: Cracks and Ghostly Matters in National/ist Heritage of Central Asia. Central Asian Affairs, 23 August, https://brill.com/view/journals/caa/9/2-4/article-p177_2.xml  


Signe Lind (2022) Online-offline: What life is like for LGBTI+ individuals inside authoritarian regimes, TechnAct Research Cluster, including interviews with Katharina Wiedlack, Ruthia Jenrbeckova and Tania Zabolotnaya. https://technactcluster.com/2022/01/24/online-offline-what-life-is-like-for-lgbti-individuals-inside-authoritarian-regimes/


Katharina Wiedlack, Tania Zabolotnaya (2022) Lesben, Schwuchtel, and Creative Punctuation: Queer(ing) the German Language. Life & Language: the Dictionary of Queer Internationalhttps://www.artseverywhere.ca/queer-german-language/ 


Wiedlack, K. (2022). Ver/Kvir(t)e Opazität: Migration und Un_Sichtbarkeit in Masha Godovannayas Film „Countryless and Queer“. Open Gender Journal6https://doi.org/10.17169/ogj.2022.181


Критика феміністична #5, 2022. Cпецвыпуск журнала «Критика феміністична» – «Разъебывая солидарность: квирим постсоветские перспективы». Гостевая редакция: Катарина Видлак, Оленка Дмитрик, Сяйво, Лиза Белорусова.


Введение в «разъебывание» солидарности: квирим постсоветские перспективы. Катарина Видлак, Оленка Дмитрик, Сяйво. Перевод: Таня Заболотная. doi.org/10.52323/567893


Katharina Wiedlack, Masha Godovannaya, Ruthia Jenrbekova, Tania Zabolotnaya (202) Opacitatea lui Glissant și queerul post-sovietic. Glissant's opacity and the post-Soviet queer. IDEA #5. p. 136-153. https://idea.ro/revista/ro/article/X9-bqhMAANX-5gWe/opacitatea-lui-glissant-si-queerul-postsovietic


Годованная, Мария, Контарева Алина. ««Без-границ-квир»: диалог об арт-исследованиях и экспериментальном кино» в Новое время, новое поле: меняющийся мир качественных исследований и новые технологии / О. И. Звонарева, А. Ю. Контарева, Е. В. Попова. СПб.: Алетейя, 2021, стр. 434-465. 


Katharina Wiedlack, Masha Godovannaya (2019) It is more important to make films queerly than to make queer films. Transitory Whitehttps://transitorywhite.com/articles/it-is-more-important-to-make-films-queerly-than-to-make-queer-films Wiedlack, K. (2022). Ver/Kvir(t)e Opazität: Migration und Un_Sichtbarkeit in Masha Godovannayas Film „Countryless and Queer“. Open Gender Journal6https://doi.org/10.17169/ogj.2022.181